I didn't like the Crüe that much when they were happening. For some reason the question always was "are you an AC/DC fan or a Crüe fan?" And I was firmly in the AC/DC camp. I can't imagine why these two bands should have been at odds or in competition with each other, but there you go. In the 60's it was Beatles or Stones. In the early to mid-80's, in our small town it was AC/DC or Crüe which determined your position in the headbanging community.
The songs are great, the dynamics and interplay of the band are in full force. Nobody in the band is a virtuoso, but they play to each other's strengths. The sound is competently no-frills, each performance exactly what it should be and not a note more. I respect any band that can pull that off; it's not as easy at it seems.
A quick peak at the lyrics, Ten Seconds To Love for example, reveal that in the early 80's, sexism and the objectification of women was at an all-time high. But you know, it was good times.
If you've seen recent footage of the band and were thinking that Mick Mars is some kind of weird freako not quite of this earth, as I was recently thinking...one look at the back cover photo quickly reminds you that even 28 years ago he looked like he was the black sheep of the Addams Family.
Anyway the album rocks righteously. \m/ \m/
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