When the 80's began waning instead of waxing and as the newly-bred intensity of thrash metal took root and its relentless adrenaline rush superceded the suddenly watered-down-seeming kicks of the old hard-rock guard of AC/DC, KISS et al., most people gravitated towards the mighty Metallica for their daily dose of head banging goodness. Though I too embraced the Bay Area Bashers warmly, it was the snarling, sneering, pissed off, gonzoid and freaky-styley warped metal antics of Megadeth which captured my interest the most.
Their 1986 sophomore release is probably the most focused and perfectly realized onslaught of taut, crushing tunes and precision tunesmithery in the band's illustrious catalogue. I remember seeing an evening news item around that time specifically calling out this album and the song Bad Omen in particular as being one prime example of the pressing problem of "today's" new breed of music warping teenagers' minds.
Poppycock, I say! It rules, say I! It may have been good then, but darn it all if'n it ain't even better now!
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