Monday, August 29, 2011

Metallica - Jump In The Fire (1983)

I just made the most awesome mistake! Not realizing that this record plays at 45 rpm, I stuck it on and played side 2 because I don't have a lot of time, and I heard Jump In The Fire the other day when I listened to Kill 'Em All. I heard that side 2 isn't live, it's studio with live noise stuck on, so I was curious to see if it was at least a different version, take or mix or what.

Anyway, so the song Seek And Destroy was playing too slow, but hoo-wee, it's friggin' AWESOME this way!

It's heavy as fuck, especialy when they slow the riff down to the ju-juh-juh part before the verse (it's socially acceptable to say fuck, if it's used in that context, right?). And what a growl on Hetfield when he goes down low! I don't know if I can hear it any other way now. It's like Sabbath and Danzig put in a blender with metal molasses.

I saw this record in 1988 when I was a young headbanger in England on a school trip. I always regretted not forking over the cash, but I couldn't buy everything I wanted. I was like a kid in a candy store in European music stores, having grown up in the sticks.

But I gut 'er in the end, by! (CapeBretonspeak)

Hey, I wonder if this monster knows the monster from the Holy Diver cover? They were both out in 1983...but the other monster was obviously a creature of business and intent. This one's just standing around like a retard. I'm guessing they wouldn't be friends, even if they would be from the same town.

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